Your House Holds
the Key to Unlocking Your Future
Making a decision on the house is the first step to your financial future.
Getting out of
limbo allows you to protect your mental sanity.
For kids, the house represents the next step for school, friends, and their new normal.
Without handling the house, you can't move on. The house is closure.

The real estate portion of your case deserves an expert, the same as every other aspect of your case. Without a specialized expert:
Conflict can escalate
Attorney fees can get out of hand
Your well-being is left in peril
Not because they mean to cause harm, but because they don’t know any other way, non-specialized Realtors apply the traditional processes of real estate in divorce transactions— and that doesn’t work.
It’s all about you...
You're at the center of everything we do.
We are obsessed with protecting the bottom line of divorcing homeowners, and closing the door to a painful experience —so that you can find your new place in the world.
Equal treatment between
all clients — we don't pick sides.
Listing Process
Customized for divorce listings so that problems are prevented.
Marketing Strategy
Marketing campaigns that place your property above the rest.
Cost Advance Program that
advances improvement costs
to be reimbursed at closing.
Court Appointed
Everyone kept on the same page so no one is left in the dark.
When Court-appointed, we dutifully ensure all orders are followed.
Sabotage Escalation
If someone deviates from the plan, our escalation protocol gets things back on track.
You will know how long it will take to sell and when you will have to move.
How it all started...

Our Success Is Your Success.
Our listings sell 4X faster than the average house.
We sell 99% of the listings we take.
Our business is 100% referral- based.
We sell 400% more listings than the average agent.
*Source: California Regional Multiple Listing Service & National Association of Realtors

How It All Began...

Divorce is complicated enough without real estate. Add in a transaction like selling or otherwise dividing a house, and the complexity skyrockets.
Believe me, I know. When I first worked with homeowners going through a divorce, I quickly realized that this kind of transaction required a different skill set and knowledge than any other “typical” listing. And as I gained experience in these kinds of cases, I also learned that many mistakes were made by nearly everyone involved in a family law case. These mistakes cost clients dearly.
Over the years, I made it my mission to mitigate the damage caused by misinformation and bad practices. I wrote a book called The House Matters in Divorce, which explores how to make wise and purposeful choices when dealing with your most financial asset in a divorce. I developed a tailored approach to the divorce listing process — based on neutrality, communication, and empowering divorcing spouses to set themselves up for a faster road to recovery. This approach has resulted in reduced court time, better informed attorneys, minimized costs, maximized property value, and better efficiency, so that the listing — and case — keep moving forward. And in 2017, I launched the most comprehensive divorce real estate training program in the nation, The Ilumni® Institute, and founded the CDRE™ certification that trains Realtors to be Court-appointed real estate experts.
All of this to say: My team and I have our clients’ backs, and if you choose to work with us, we’ll be fierce advocates for you as you unlock your new normal.
I look forward to meeting you.
Success Stories
Why Choose
Starks Realty Group?
No one has more experience than we do in divorce real estate.
Using a sliding scale, our fee structures are affordable and customized for every case.
You're in
Great Hands
We know how important this is to you. Your family is treated like it's our own.